John Deere 5085M 2WD Tractor - RES Auction Services

John Deere 5085M 2WD Tractor

Lot Number:3
Start Time:12/21/2024 3:00:00 PM
Bid Count:6
Winning Bidder:
Purchase Price:$1.00
Bid Increment:$500.00
Current Bid:$18,000.00
Bidding complete
SyncShuttle Plus transmission, 2 remotes, 540 pto, 3pt, 16.9-30 rear & 11L-15 fronts
Hours: 813, Serial Number: 1LV5086MTBA310085
No donations for this lot

Crumley Personal Property & Farm Equipment Auction

Saturday, December 21st

Chattels @ 10AM, Real Estate @ 12 Noon

John Deere Tractors – Farm Equipment – Tools – Household - Personal Property

Online bidding available at for the Real Estate & Equipment

Auction held on location at 10767 Congress Rd, West Salem, OH 44287. Located on State Route 539, West of Congress and Southeast of West Salem.

Tractors/Combine/Trencher/Backhoe: John Deere 4755 MFWD tractor, C/H/A, 15 spd powershift, 3 remotes, 1000 pto, 3pt quick hitch, duals (18.4R46), frt weights, new interior, digital hr meter shows 837, actual hrs unknown;  John Deere 4630 2WD, C/H/A, quad range trans, 3 remotes 1000 pto, duals (20.8-38) hours showing 8,479; John Deere 5085M open station, sync shuttle Plus trans, 2WD, dual remote, 540,  16.0-30 rears, only 805 hrs; John Deere 4000, open station, diesel 2WD tractor, dual remotes 540/1000 pto, duals (18.4-34) 8 spd trans, showing 1,376 hrs; John Deere 2150 2WD tractor w loader left hand reverser showing 8,766 hrs; John Deere 2030 tractor 2WD; John Deere 4420 combine, diesel, 4,217 hours;  John Deere 213 12’ grain head; John Deere 4 row corn head;  Vermeer V4150A ride on trencher/backhoe, angle blade, diesel, showing 799 hrs hrs unknown; Case 580B loader backhoe runs and digs but not fancy 80” front bucket, 24” hoe bucket.

Trucks: 1961 Ford C700 grain truck Single axle, 15’ bed 40” steel sides 10” wood ext and tarp;

1972 Ford 700 grain truck single axle 16’ bed 40” sides gas showing 83k miles; 1998 Chevrolet Cheyenne 2500 single cab pickup 4WD showing 182k.

Planting/Tillage: JD 7000 planter dry frt, 6 Row, 30” spacing, meters, markers;  nice JD 750 grain drill, yetter markers, 7.5” spacing, dolly; Case IH 5300 grain drill; Case IH 22’ transport disc, walking tandem axles, rear hitch and hydraulics, nice; nice Remlinger 24’ double rolling basket harrow;  JD 10’  9 shank disc chisel with custom 2 shank wings; John Deere 2600 4 bottom, semi mounted, adjustable plow, Brillion P-10 12’ cultipacker, JD 12’ cultimulcher, JD 400 15’ rotary hoe. 

Hay Equipment/Misc Equipment: John Deere 336 small square baler w/ JD BE300 thrower, green savor applicator; New Holland 157 2 basket tedder; nice John Deere 820 Moco 9’ haybine, rubber rolls; (2) 18” kicker hay wagons; Cagle 45’ field sprayer w foam markers; 12’ liquid applicator; 12’ stalk chopper; Killbros 375 and 385 gravity wagons with extensions; JD sickle bar mower; John Deere 455 hydraulic push manure spreader; JD 618 6’ brush hog; Winpower 25kw pto generator; Ex-cell hot pressure washer; AO smith slurry store tanker 3200 for scrap; scrap pieces and piles.

Mower/Tools: Scag freedom z 60” zero turn mower 30 hp; misc 18” culvert pieces 7-7.5 ft long; assorted shop tools; extension ladders; 250 gallon electric and gravity fuel tanks; acetylene torch set; Craftsman air compressor, lawn tools; shop full of supplies and misc.; and much more.

Household Items: drop leaf kitchen table and chairs; leather recliner; flexsteel couch; glider; knee hole desk; cedar blanket chests; queen- and full-size bedroom suites; Singer sewing machine; misc glassware; China sets; dishes; flatware; misc kitchenware; collectables; household misc.; and much more. 

Note: Join us for a good farm auction on the 21st with a large inventory from the house, shop, and barns.  The household, tools, and smaller items will start at 10AM with the main line of equipment selling after the real estate at approximately 1:00 PM.  Bring a friend as we will sell double most of the morning.  Details available at

Auction Conducted By RES Auction Services


Seth Andrews, Auctioneer, Broker, 330-466-5471 – Andy White, 419-651-2152 – Drew Turner – Jake White – Steve Andrews – Kade Tegtmeier – Caleb Badger

Personal Property Terms: 5% Buyer's Premium waived if paid by cash or check.

10767 Congress Road
West Salem, Ohio 44287
United States