Swartzentruber Farm Chattel Auction - RES Auction Services

Swartzentruber Farm Chattel Auction





Will sell on the farm located at 14336 Harrison Rd. Apple Creek, OH. At the west edge of Mt. Eaton on US RT 250 take Harrison Rd. west 1 mile or from Kidron take Kidron Rd. south across US RT 250 to Harrison Rd. then east 1 mile to farm. The farm is the first farm east of Zuercher Rd. on the north side of Harrison.


FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2025 * 10:00 AM


22 HEAD OF CATTLE 22: Selling 7 head of mature milking Holstein cows (one R&W) in various stages of lactation plus one Holstein x Angus heifer recently fresh; one Holstein & one Holstein x Angus bred heifers; 8 young open Holstein heifers from calves through breeding age; also selling 4 young Holstein steers (calves thru 600 lbs.)


14 HORSES 14: 5 yr. old Blonde Belgian mare broke & in foal; 12 yr. old red sorrel Belgian gelding (broke); 2 yearling Belgian fillies; 13 yr. old Morgan x Qtr. Horse (Rides & Drives); Offering a pair of Half Belgian offspring from this mare – Coming 2 yr. old mare (Black w/star) & Coming yearling stallion (Black w/stripe); Also a coming yearling Percheron x Stdb x Hackney filly; CONSIGNED HORSES: A team of Bay Percheron x Belgian 4 & 5 year old geldings broke to all farm machinery; 5 yr. old reg. Belgian mare (broke & in foal); 2 yr. old Belgian mare (halter broke); 12 yr. old reg. Percheron mare by Bismark Rocket in foal and kid broke; 3 yr. old Percheron x Belgian gelding.


HOGS & SHEEP: 4 White brood sows bred to a red boar due in April; Big red boar; 9 Cheviot crossbred ewes due in (May-June).


GRAIN: Approx. 150 Bu. Of Speltz; some bagged oats.


FARM MACHINERY: Issuzu 65 hp power unit (Overhauled) w/buzz saw; 2 NI #8 manure spreaders; NI #10 spreader w/lime spreader attach.; McD 7’ grain binder; McD corn binder; fodder shredder; McD #7 silo filler w/pipe; 2 Pioneer riding plows; JD 210 riding plow; Hostetler walking plow; Double disc; 10’ spike & 9’ spring tooth harrows; field drag; rotary hoe; 2 – 1 row McD cultivators; McD 2 row cultivator; McD corn planter w/plateless seed hoppers; McD 11 Hoe drill; 3 McD # 9 reeg. gear mowers (2 -6’ & 1-7’); JD 4 bar rake; kick type tedder; 2 McD web hay loaders; ladder wagon & 6’x12’ flatbed wagon (both on Hostetler gears); Yoder field sprayer; Orchard sprayer; Wooden wheeled box wagon; small flatbed wagon; Cone fertilizer spreader on mower gear; McD feed grinder; Baker 5” grinder; stalk cutter.


SHOE REPAIR EQUIP. & FARM MISC.: Landis No. 12 shoe stitcher; American shoe & harness stitcher; Singer shoe patch machine; Singer sewing machine; Shoe buffer; leather splitter; leather shoe sole cutter; Set of Nylon draft harness; collars; Farm hack; Open buggy; Lane drag; cylinder type power corn sheller; stone boat; log sled; log dolly; scale w/hog crate; self-feeders; hay slings; grapple hooks; hay car; Approx. 20 SS & Alum. Milk cans; strainer; Ashland can cooler; 2 wagon loads of misc. (forks, shovels, eveners, neck yokes, parts, etc.); misc. lumber; steel wheels; chain hoist; log chains; boomers; ext. ladder; ladder jacks; block & tackle; sap pails; belt lacer; new & used flat belts; door track; McD rebuilt binder disc for knotter; power hack saw; 2 post drill presses; table saw; grinding stones; oil brooder stove; barrels;


HOUSEHOLD & COLLECTIBLES: Heating stoves; Blue flame heater; dressers; 2 small beds; rocking chair swivel chairs; set of chairs; misc. dishes; sewing machine heads; 15 gal. & smaller crocks; wash vat; wash tubs; wooden tub stands; steel milk cans; strainer; wooden hames; cast iron skillet; old oil lanterns; sausage stuffer; meat grinder; garden cultivator.


NOTE: Starting at 10 on wagon loads of misc. Second crew to start household and other small items NLT 10:30 followed by farm equipment, grain, livestock (Sheep – Swine – Horses – Cattle).



Visa-Mastercard-Discover-Am. Express

5% Buyer’s Premium waived for check or cash




TERMS: CASH or CHECK LUNCH STAND, Visa-Mastercard-Discover-Am. Express, 5% Buyer’s Premium waived for check or cash

14336 Harrison Rd, Apple Creek, Ohio, 44606